You can give families like Elijah's the gift of togetherness this Christmas
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Just weeks before Christmas, Rob and Courtney's world was turned upside down when their two year old son, Elijah, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Elijah's dad, Rob, had just finished putting up decorations on the roof when the family had to drop everything and leave home for Elijah's treatment - not knowing when they would be back.
"My biggest worry was the kids and figuring out how our family could stay together. I didn’t want to be away from the other kids and live like a split family; especially during the holiday season."

For over 285 nights, Elijah and his family called Ronald McDonald House home – keeping them together and close to the critical treatment that Elijah needed.
"The first few weeks were tough - but Ronald McDonald House was there for us with overwhelming support.
"The one thing reassuring us was how close we were to the Hospital and to the people looking after him, thanks to the House.
"I remember one day Elijah had a really bad fever spike. In a matter of minutes, we were able to get him from our room at the House up to the Hospital and admitted."
"If we were back home, that two-minute trip would have taken two hours – probably longer on that day because the roads were closed from bushfires. Being at the House has literally been lifesaving."
- Rob, Elijah's Dad

For Rob and his family, Ronald McDonald House became more than just a place to stay. It was their new home; where they celebrated birthdays, medical milestones and Christmas, all away from their loved ones but with newfound, lifelong friends.
"Once the kids settled and started to feel more and more comfortable, they quickly made friends with the other families staying at the House – so did my wife and me. It’s comforting being around other parents in similar situations and knowing that after a bad day at the hospital we have people to talk to that just get it.
"We've come together to watch football games in the shared living room while the kids have played on the equipment outside and sat down for joint-family dinners in the dining space."
"At first, I wasn't really looking forward to Christmas. We're away from home, our loved ones and all our usual traditions – we love to decorate, and our house is usually covered in inflatables and lights.
"I asked the House team: "Hey, can I put a few decorations up around the House?” They replied: “it's your backyard, go for it!” So, we filled the House – inside and out, head to toe – with decorations and inflatable displays.
"Seeing the kids' faces and excitement when it was all lit up, and watching the other families walk around of an evening before bed and point at all the lights... it brought a bit of home here, for us anyway. I felt like I was able to give back to something that had given my family so much.
"Keeping our family together was the most important thing for my wife and I and Ronald McDonald House Charities made sure that happened."
This Christmas, many families with seriously ill and injured children will find themselves far from home, just like Elijah's did. Your urgent donation today can give these families the best gift of all this Christmas - each other.
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