Raised so far
Our goal
Grab a bike! Any kind of Bike!
And join us to Ride For Sick Kids.
Sign up as an individual, with a friend or your workmates - your pedal power can make a real difference. You’ll be helping give families a home away from home at Ronald McDonald House so they can be near their seriously ill child in hospital.
Get pedalling!
Who will YOU ride for this September?
Use the hashtag #IRideFor and shine a light on an individual's or family's story.
Let's get pedalling!
Whether you're riding as a business, with a gym group, at a school, or doing it solo - there are plenty of fun ways you can be involved in Ride for Sick Kids 2024.
Get social and share your Ride for Sick Kids
Now, more than ever, families with seriously ill children need your help!
Use #RFSK2024 or #IRideFor to see yourself featured!
Thank you to our sponsors