Kayla and Paul had their lives perfectly aligned. Two beautiful children were blossoming into teenagers, their careers werethriving, and they had just made a significant investment in a new property. Their puzzle seemed complete, and they couldn't have been happier. Little did they know that fate had an unexpected surprise in store for them - they were about to welcome twins into their lives.

While the news of the impending arrival of twins wasn't part of their plans, this resilient family embraced the curveball with open hearts. However, throughout mum Kayla’s pregnancy there were complications which meant at 18 weeks she needed life-saving surgery and bed rest in hospital. The weeks passed and they navigated the uncertainties, finding their new normal when at 20 weeks Kayla’s waters broke. She was swiftly rushed from their home on the Mid North Coast to John Hunter Hospital to receive medical treatment so the twins could stay in Kayla’s womb for another crucial nine weeks. Finally at 25 weeks, identical twin girls Oaki & Miley, affectionately known as The OMG Twins, were born via c-section weighing only around 600 grams each. These tiny babies had a fierce determination to survive.
With a long road ahead of them, the family needed a place they could stay and be together. Ronald McDonald House became that place, the sanctuary and an invaluable lifeline for the family. It provided a comforting haven for an exhausted mum Kayla after long and emotionally draining days at the hospital. The House also offered a space where the entire family could reunite on weekends, strengthening their bond during a time of incredible adversity.

For Kayla and her family, RMHC through their love, support, care, and compassion, became an extension of her family. Helping to navigate this challenging chapter, reminding the family that they were never alone on their journey. Home-cooked meals, the comfort of being around the dinner table as a united family, and the resilience of spirit were the foundation on which the family rebuilt their hope and strength.
Thanks to your support, the OMG Twins and their family have been able to be together at Ronald McDonald House, staying 133 nights. While the girls still need some medical treatment and return to stay at the House when they do, they are thriving.